
Richard Butler | Exclusive Report By CHINESE NEWS | 10TH MAY, 2024

With all due respects,an Australian politician several years ago said that the Chinese are building Roads to nowhere in Vanuautu.

That statement caused an explosion in the press.

Not all roads lead to,and finish in Rome!!!

As a developer at the end of one of the roads about to be upgraded with over 80 km for a cost published of US$160 million, I just thought I would bring to your attention that there’s a tremendous amount of infrastructure development being produced in Vanuatu.

The Chinese construction building company that’s been established since 2014 in Vanuatu came to build the conference centre In Port Vila which was a gift from China to help Vanuatu be able to attract larger tourism groups.

I think it’s been a very successful project for the local communities, both churches and Social And also has been great assistance for the government re political party meetings welcoming international Trade fares The list is endless. It’s also supported by solar power and collects all the rain water off the roof for recirculation.

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When I first went to Vanuatu in 2008, you could only go 10 to 15 km either side of Port Vila and then you were on gravel road subject to flooding and being washed out by heavy rain always requiring Repair.

In 2010 approximately the US millennium fund stepped in and funded the complete sealing and upgrading of the road around the main island of the Efate which is approximately 120 km, it made a massive difference and opened up the island and help out villages be able to provide an income by growing fruit vegetables and selling into the markets. And of course they opened up all the natural attractions of being able to drive all the way around the island visiting Eco tourism attracts such as the blue swimming hole pools the fabulous beaches the waterfalls Add roadside mother’s markets where you could buy tropical fruit vegetables and handmade craft add roadside mother’s markets where you could buy tropical fruit vegetables and handmade craft gifts momentos of your trip.

Also help set up a thriving Industry around smaller hire 10 or so seater buses 🚎 you can flag down they’re easily recognised by having the H on their numberplate one time.
I believe there were upto 800 buses licenses provided just on the main island so you can easily get round Port Vila and out into the villages by using the service and you get to talk to everybody along the way a very friendly island environment🏝️

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By getting back to the reason for this Post, I’ve been advised this morning of the Chinese companies purchase and arrival of equipment for roadwork in the northern islands of Santo,Malekula ,Pentecost etc as you can see from the attached pictures, it’s some serious equipment and will make a substantial differences re better access for Tourist and of course the resident Comunity being able to get round the island faster and have better access to facilities and to the main township.

As a developer of 43 years I must tell you that whenever I see equipment like this I get excited .

In 2009. I can still remember seeing the first concrete truck on the road In Port Vila prior to that everything was built with single on-site tumbler concrete machines.

Progress is a wonderful thing when it has a direct benefit to the local community.!!!

Viva road works !!!!