Richard Butler | Exclusive Report by EZRA TOARA of DAILY POST VU | 24TH JULY, 2024

Prime Minister (PM) Charlot Salwai has revealed that Japan has expressed willingness to collaborate with other partners to enhance Port Vila Airport.

“This includes constructing a new terminal, expanding the runway, and improving the highway leading to the airport,” PM Salwai said.

This was conveyed when PM Salwai engaged in several bilateral discussions with high-ranking officials during the 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM10) in Tokyo, Japan, from July 16 to 18, 2024.

Representatives from the 18 Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) members and Japan attended the meeting.

These talks included an important meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, focusing on technical cooperation and partnerships related to airport infrastructure. PM Salwai highlighted the need for a new road through the Belleview area to alleviate traffic congestion caused by an increasing number of vehicles.

Other agendas during PALM10 included addressing Port Vila’s water supply issues. Salwai mentioned ongoing efforts to identify a new water source, with the support from development partners being crucial, especially as tourists and cruise ships also depend on this water supply.

The current stock is depleting, necessitating immediate action to secure additional resources.

airport vanuatu

“The deteriorating main government wharf also featured in discussions with Japanese officials,” he said. “Rebuilding this critical infrastructure is a priority on the bilateral agenda.”

Salwai shared that the Forum included talks about New Caledonia, emphasising its status as a full member of the Pacific Islands Forum since 2016. Additionally, the issue of border security, particularly concerning Mathew and Hunter Islands, was raised, along with follow-ups on promises made by French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit.

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), bilateral discussions centred on education, health, and security, including common challenges faced by Melanesian countries. Salwai stressed the importance of maintaining good relations with all countries.

PM Salwai also met with the President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Akihiko Tanaka, acknowledging JICA’s contributions to various projects in Vanuatu, including the Teouma Bridge and hydropower initiatives in Santo.

Salwai communicated his wish to expand this cooperation further, recognising the valuable work done by JICA officers across different sectors in Vanuatu.

Salwai emphasised the importance of establishing strong relationships with Japan at the parliamentary and provincial levels. He thanked the Japanese Ambassador to Vanuatu and his secretary for facilitating the successful meetings.