Richard Butler | Exclusive Report by DODDY MORRIS of DAILY POST VU | 20TH JULY, 2024

The opening of the United States of America’s (U.S.) Embassy in Vanuatu’s capital is a groundbreaking event in Vanuatu-U.S. relations.

One of the objectives of the newly established U.S. Embassy is to allow visas to be processed in Vanuatu, rather than requiring travel to Fiji or Papua New Guinea (PNG) to obtain a U.S. visa. This was conveyed by the U.S. Ambassador, Ann Marie Yastishock, during the opening of the embassy in Port Vila. However, she said for now they are still figuring out how to make this happen.

Ambassador Yastishock, who is stationed in PNG, is also overseeing the U.S. Embassy in the Solomon Islands.

“My goal is to get here every five to six weeks, depending on the flight situation,” she told the Vanuatu Daily Post newspaper.

Acting Prime Minister (PM) and Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and External Trade of the Republic of Vanuatu, Matai Seremaiah, expressed his honor and gratitude during the opening of the embassy.


During the event, the Acting PM warmly welcomed the U.S. diplomats and guests on behalf of the government and citizens of Vanuatu, citing the event marks a significant milestone in the diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Vanuatu.

He emphasised that the opening of the Embassy is a testament to the strengthening bond between the two nations and a reflection of Vanuatu’s long-term advocacy for a U.S. diplomatic presence.

“This event strengthens the close bond between the United States and Vanuatu. It highlights our commitment to bring the relations to another level and to build stronger partnerships in areas of common interest. We are grateful that the U.S. government has finally seen fit at this time to establish a diplomatic presence in Vanuatu,” he said in his official speech.

“It is indeed a great achievement to see that after 37 years of warm and friendly relations we are gathered here to witness this groundbreaking event in our relations. I would like, at this point, to congratulate the U.S. government for this important decision.”

He added that the establishment of an embassy is an important commitment that can only be realised when friendship between two countries has matured and that there is mutual trust and confidence; and where there is guarantee for a shared future.

“While some countries and organisations have decided to review and relocate their embassies within the region, the Vanuatu government is grateful that the Foreign Embassies that are still here and those who will be established soon are without doubt our very close friends and we will do everything necessary to assist them within the framework of our domestic and international law,” the Acting PM said.

“In this region, the U.S’ role in contributing to the development and prosperity of the Pacific islands are significant. But the challenge lingers over how U.S. development initiatives could be more integrated and inclusive in the region, so that all Pacific Island nations including Vanuatu could benefit from the US Economic and social prosperity.


“This is an important consideration as some emerging issues now confronting all Pacific Islands nations such as Climate Change and sustainable utilisation of terrestrial and marine resources have a huge impact on our economies, regardless of our policy orientations in international relations. And so, an effort by our partners to allow for collective harvesting of gains from prosperity of all developed and powerful economic countries including the US would be decent.”

According to Acting PM Seremaiah, the government of Vanuatu wishes to seize this opportunity to show its openness to the world, where new partners are welcomed to establish diplomatic presence in Vanuatu, as this is a beneficial thing to do as it brings both governments closer to each other and strengthens the link between the two countries.

In light of mutual responsibilities under the International Law, the government of Vanuatu is delighted to confirm that it will continue to uphold its obligations stated in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations to maintain and assist in protecting the inviolability of this sovereign office.

“We believe this obligation is vital in yielding the confidence necessary to allow for continuity and reciprocity in our relations,” the Acting PM said.

“The opening of the U.S. Embassy in Port-Vila represents a new chapter in the close relationship between the U.S. and Vanuatu. Working together can make our dreams come true. As the Father of our independence stated, ‘The community sense of living is both wise and practical.’

“This underscores the importance of cooperation and mutual respect among nations.”