
Richard Butler | Exclusive Report By YTS NEWS AU | 21st APRIL, 2024

Vanuatu will establish bilateral cooperation with Timor-Leste!

Vanuatu’s Minister of Climate Change, Ralph John Regenvanu, briefed Prime Minister (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, accompanied by Ambassador to Timor-Leste and Brussels, Jorge Trindade de Camões, on the Maritime and Land Border Cabinet team’s participation in the opening ceremony conference “Oseanu Ita Nia Tasi” in Athens, Greece.

“Mr. Prime Minister Xanana, thank you very much for your cooperation with Vanuatu. I would love to have a conference in Oceanu today, and I would love to share our experience in Timor-Leste,” Minister Ralph John stated during a meeting with PM Xanana. He emphasized the need to communicate without STL assistance in the Prime Minister’s Media Cabinet.

In the same vein, PM Xanana expressed gratitude for Timor-Leste’s support, stating, “Our Vanuatu will not suffer from climate change problems like Timor-Leste.”

He further explained, “In our meeting with the Minister of Climate Change of Vanuatu, we discussed maritime issues, which both our countries face due to our small landmass. We want to establish cooperation because in 2018, I visited their country and met with other nations like Tonga. Small countries like us also suffer from ocean-related issues during climate change. Therefore, small states and governments must come together to find solutions.”


The Head of Government pledged to coordinate with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK), Bendito dos Santos, to establish diplomatic cooperation between the two countries.

Moreover, the President of the Republic announced Timor-Leste’s participation in the Archipelagic and Island States Forum (AIS Forum) in Bali, Indonesia, until 2023. This forum aims to address challenges related to marine resource utilization, sustainable economic growth, climate change resilience, ocean pollution, and emergencies.

Timor-Leste also plans to collaborate with partners to monitor and manage marine environments, emphasizing the importance of biodiversity conservation, as highlighted by the Prime Minister’s remarks on Atauro Island’s significance.

In conclusion, the government aims to develop national parks to monitor and manage the environment, aligning with broader efforts in Indonesia.