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Richard in Australia and Lance in Vanuatu chat about Real Estate Opportunities and Lifestyles of the South Pacific.

Here’s your chance to get both the insight that comes from over 40 years as a successful Real Estate Developer (Richard, who was also TWICE a Trade Commissioner to Australia for Vanuatu) and an inside look at life as an expat enjoying living in the paradise that is Vanuatu.  (Lance)

021: Crypto, China, Facebook and Vanuatu (Wow!)

021: Crypto, China, Facebook and Vanuatu (Wow!)

So what is money exactly?  How is it evolving and what does that have to do with China... Facebook... and Vanuatu? (and the old question "What's in it for me?") In this podcast all these and more are discussed as Richard and Lance discover that Vanuatu is in some...

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019 Vanuatu Migration with Wayne Harrison

019 Vanuatu Migration with Wayne Harrison

Retire here and pay no income taxes! What’s the view of an accredited Migration Agent who works with all kinds of countries and systems? On this podcast hear Richard and Lance chat with Wayne Harrison, longtime successful Australian migration agent, to learn his views…

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018 High Net Worth

018 High Net Worth

In this podcast Richard details the attraction of Vanuatu Citizenship with Passport for High Net Worth individuals who are currently  pushed from pillar to post by many governments around the world.  In so many places it’s just getting too hard to protect what you have worked hard to earn…

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Featured Episode

Why Consider Investing in Vanuatu?

Where it all begins.  The basics of the foundation.  Check this out first, and if it’s not you, go no further.  On the other hand if it IS you, no doubt you will want never to miss a single episode.

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2018 Release, Episode 001    |    26:16 min

Why Consider Investing in Vanuatu?

by Richard Butler and Lance Hunt | Real Estate Opportunities and Lifestyles of the South Pacific