Connecting our Wings
Airbus A220 To Visit Vanuatu
Port Vila Central Market Upgrade Underway
020: 4,000 investors purchase a plan B in the last 12 months!
Royal Caribbean to create ‘Perfect Day’ attraction on private island in Vanuatu
President Tallis welcomes new Ambassador Designate of Norway to Vanuatu
Acting PM launches ‘Vanuatu Made’ Brand
Kava accounts for 60% commodity exports
Dual berthing in Port Vila
Empty plastic bottles don’t become land fill in Vanuatu!
CGTN Video Comment on China’s Interaction with Pacific Countries re “One Belt One Road”
USC nappy project changing lives in Vanuatu
Rillio Rii Personal Best at World Rowing Championships 2019
Time to become a currency on an island in the Pacific
First snorkel trail in Vanuatu launched in North Efate
Air Vanuatu to use first A220 to end B737 wet-lease
019 Vanuatu Migration with Wayne Harrison
Fare Appointed Vanuatu High Commissioner to Australia
Vanuatu to host next Pacific Island Forum
Vanuatu’s Tok Tok tradeshow invites Australian wholesalers to discover a more exciting way to relax
018 High Net Worth
In this podcast Richard details the attraction of Vanuatu Citizenship with Passport for High Net Worth individuals who are currently pushed from pillar to post by many governments around the world. In so many places it’s just getting too hard to protect what you have worked hard to earn…
Air Vanuatu: new A220 fleet to support rapid inbound growth | CAPA
Australia Stepping Up To Support Pacific Community
Air Vanuatu Plans Major Domestic And International Expansion
In this comprehensive interview, Air Vanuatu CEO Derek Nice discusses the small flag carrier’s recent A220 order, plans for expanding the turboprop fleet, expected improvements in connectivity, the anticipated growth of tourism in Vanuatu and the airline’s corresponding projected growth…
PM highlights Gov’t achievements in Independence speech
Vanuatu woman wins half-marathon in socks, no shoes
Air Vanuatu Gets Vt380M Loan from Gov’t
New casino could be on the cards for Vanuatu
Pacific Tourism Officials upskill knowledge of Chinese tourism industry
Oceans Apart? UK & Pacific Partnerships & Shared Values
Mrs Laura Clarke, British High Commissioner to New Zealand, and Governor of the Pitcairn Islands:
“My job this evening is to talk – no pressure – about the UK and the Pacific. Given that the Pacific spans almost a third of the globe, and is made up of a multiplicity of individual states and territories, each with their own culture, history, politics and beliefs, it is no small task.
So I’d like to start with…