Steve Jacobs works in Sydney and lives in Vanuatu

Steve Jacobs works in Sydney and lives in Vanuatu

Richard Butler | Daily Mail Online | July 31st 2017 How’s the weather up there? Today’s weather presenter Steven Jacobs poses for hilarious photo with Sydney Kings basketball stars He’s known for his skills as a weather presenter on Weekend Today. But two statuesque athletes stole the show during a cross with Steven ‘Stevie’ Jacobs earlier this week. The Today Show page poked fun at the media personality’s stature in a post on Tuesday. The page comically captioned the snap: ‘ Read more [...]
Vanuatu Real Estate & Vanuatu Residency

Vanuatu Real Estate & Vanuatu Residency

Vanuatu Real Estate & Vanuatu Residency This article about buying Vanuatu real estate was written by Richard Butler, current special economic commerce envoy and former trade commissioner from 2012 to 2015 and reappointed in April 2017 for a further 2-year term. Mr Butler has been a real estate developer since 1980 and has developed since 2008 with an office in both Sydney Australia and Port Vila Efate Island in the Republic of Vanuatu, a tax friendly nation. This article goes over buying real Read more [...]
25% of Americans Threaten To Leave If Trump Is Elected: Where Will They Go?

25% of Americans Threaten To Leave If Trump Is Elected: Where Will They Go?

Post by Richard Butler | 2 November 2016 | Record numbers of Americans are renouncing citizenship. Four times a year the Treasury Department names individuals ho renounced -- publicly. The numbers are HUGE. One poll, reported in The Hill, shows 25% of Americans will consider leaving if Donald Trump is elected. Of course, most who threaten to leave because of politics are not earnest. For those who are, they may mean a short-lived move -- not a final exit. Giving up citizenship is a huge deal, Read more [...]
Fast-track immigration to Vanuatu in under a month

Fast-track immigration to Vanuatu in under a month

Post by Adrian Bishop | 12 October 2016 | A fast-track immigration scheme provides citizenship in the Pacific islands nation of Vanuatu in as little as under a month. The government Capital Investment Immigration Plan costs $260,000 per applicant, inclusive of spouse and two children under 18, plus other fees, and a decision is usually reached in just four to six weeks. Former Vanuatu trade official, Richard Butler, has recently become a Tier 1 migration authorised agent for Vanuatu passports, Read more [...]
DNA shows first inhabitants of Vanuatu came from Philippines and Taiwan

DNA shows first inhabitants of Vanuatu came from Philippines and Taiwan

Post by Richard Butler | 4 October 2016 | Those who settled on the archipelago 3,000 years ago – and Tonga shortly after – travelled from farther away than previously believed, scientists say. The first inhabitants of Vanuatu hailed from Taiwan and the Philippines rather than the South Pacific island nation’s much closer neighbours, scientists have discovered. A study by scientists at the Australian National University of ancient DNA taken from three skeletons excavated from Vanuatu’s Read more [...]
Masters in Paradise

Masters in Paradise

Post By Richard Butler | 6th June 2016 | "Masters in Paradise" is the title of the annual regatta held on Port Vial's Second Lagoon. If you are expecting state of the art rowing sculls, you will certainly see them - but not surprisingly for Vanuatu, alongside will be outrigger canoes. International rowers from Australia and New Zealand will be competing with local rowers in races for singles, doubles and quads, for this event incorporates the Corporate Rowing Regatta. Not all the trophies Read more [...]
Disaster-resistant housing good for investment

Disaster-resistant housing good for investment

  Post by Richard Butler | 4th May, 2016 | Not only Expat buildings are being constructed in Vanuatu to exacting cyclone-proof and earthquake-proof standards. Here is a great story from the southern island of Tanna, Vanuatu, which shows how the locals are also getting safe housing.  This means investors in tourism, agriculture and other projects in Vanuatu can rest easy knowing the potential disruption that may be caused by such natural events will be minimised.  Most importantly, Read more [...]
Land of 1000 Dancers

Land of 1000 Dancers

Post by Richard Butler | 26th April 2016 | An article by Anita Roberts with the above title has appeared in the Vanuatu Daily Post. (See extract below) This is excellent news for those wanting to move to, invest in, or do business in Vanuatu. It augers well for future development on Tanna Island, and will surely make it more attractive for tourism ventures to set up here. We applaud the government of Vanuatu and the people of Tanna for their forward thinking attitude. There is always a concern Read more [...]
Malekula Island flagged for progress

Malekula Island flagged for progress

Staff writer Adrian Hunter | 21st April 2016 | On a visit to Lakatoro, Malekula Island, Prime Minister Charlot Salwai reiterated government’s responsibility to support the residents of the island by providing road, shipping, telecoms and aviation services to enable islanders to better engage in economic activity. Salwai outlined his coalition’s belief that Malekula has been a long-term player in “growing the economy”. Indeed, he said, all of Malampa Province has participated to a huge Read more [...]
First Power Purchase agreement signed

First Power Purchase agreement signed

Vanuatu Daily Post January 15, 2016 Tuesday this week witnessed a major development in the country’s energy sector as authorities put pens to paper to formalize a power purchasing agreement for the first Grid Connected Solar System in Port Vila. This project refers to the installation of the 767 kWp of solar power plant; rooftop and grounded-mounted at the Parliament premises and the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department (VMGD) building at Nambatu Area. The project is financed Read more [...]